However, every December I look forward to a new year that brings an opportunity to improve my life in some way and feel better. Which is what resolution making is all about.
When it comes to your do you feel? There is no doubt that so many people - way too many - are in a tough spot as we head into 2010. The economy is a huge contributor. Some want out of their jobs or careers entirely but are fearful that no opportunity lies on the other side while others can't find employment no matter how hard they try.
There are two very important things to remember here:
- Things don't stay the same and change is constant, from economies to tough decisions employers have to make. Economies have and will always fluctuate. Businesses will decide when and if to change course and will shed employees if it is in the best interest of the organization.
- You may not believe it, but you have a very big role in your career and determining where it is headed, no matter what the economic climate, no matter what an organization may or may not decide about you.
So if you want to make some changes this year to your career, here are some thoughts in going about making those resolutions- and sticking to them:
- Do one thing to propel you forward. A great way to get started is with your resume. Hate updating it or at a loss for what it says about you? Hire someone to do it, or, ask someone whose professional opinion you trust to offer you some straightforward feedback.
- Design a career strategy. Start by making a simple "pros and cons" list about the job you have now: What do I like about my job? What do I dislike? Keep going and ask yourself: What do I want from my career? From my life? What do I want to keep doing? Stop doing?
- Decide that you are in control of your career. Write down 3 things that you can control in the midst of all that is happening around you, such as picking up the phone and scheduling lunch or coffee with someone in your network who would be helpful in helping you find employment or another career opportunity.
We want to help you stick to your 2010 resolutions and help you discover greater satisfaction with your career! Email us at .