Coaches can only help people meet their goals, whether it is finding a more satisfying career, growing a business or fulfilling a lifelong dream, if they are accountable or answerable for what they say they will do. Reaching a goal always involves work and it can be easy to blame someone else, or something else, when you don't reach that goal. So hiring a coach who ensures that you (the client) are very much responsible for your success is a must. Here are a few more tidbits about what specifically a career coach can help you achieve:
- Pinpoint why you are dissatisfied with your career or job and help you discover greater satisfaction. This may mean correcting an existing or ongoing issue in your current job or identifying new careers or jobs that suit your interests and skills.
- Assist you with a successful career transition. A career transition may come in the form of leaving your career altogether and finding a new one, or, helping you transition to a much different situation, such as staying at home with young children or caring for a family member while helping you keep your resume and career prospects fresh.
- Job search strategically. Coaches can help you significantly improve your job search by teaching you how to hunt more strategically and apply methods that work. Most jobs are found not by submitting resumes online in response to job advertisements, but instead using tried and true tactics that work.
- Rewrite your resume. While resumes are not the only thing that will get you through the door, they are the universal medium through which employers get to know you. A first impression can make or break your chances, and while resumes are just one vehicle in the quest to get hired, they are often the very first impression you will make.
- And much more! If you are interested in learning more about what coaching is and isn't or hearing about how we can help, please email us directly at: